在我們位於芭堤雅的豪華海景酒店的豪華露台上盡情放鬆。 這些 54-69 平方米的轉角客房還設有 50 平方米帶家具的華麗私人露台,可俯瞰大海和綠色果園。
Beyond the sea views from both bedroom and bathroom, Deluxe Terrace Rooms offer a spacious furnished terrace overlooking Pattaya city. 非常適合白天享受日光浴,晚上欣賞城市燈光,它們位於 Cape Dara Tower 的盡頭角落, 最高可達 22層。
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Get 5% room discount + receive cash credits worth THB 300 to spend at the resort restaurant and lumious spa.
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when you book directly online with us. Or click the below link.
享受 5% 客房折扣 + 获得价值 300 泰铢的现金积分,可在度假村餐厅和 lumious 水疗中心消费。
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when you book directly online with us. Or click the below link.